What is Impetigo and How does it affect Puppies?

Skin infections or allergies are common in dogs. The dog’s skin hosts a wide variety of bacteria and other microbes that may cause skin infections and inflammation. Impetigo is one such skin infection that affects puppies and adolescent dogs. Impetigo is also known as puppy pyoderma. The literal translation of impetigo is pus in the skin. The prime reason behind impetigo is an overgrowth of Staphylococcus bacteria. Puppies kept in unhygienic conditions often develop impetigo. Impetigo is not a viral or contagious skin infection and doesn’t spread to another dog or humans. If your puppy has developed impetigo, you should bring them to your nearest pet hospital Virginia Beach in this blog, you will find everything you need to know about impetigo.

Symptoms of Impetigo

In dogs, impetigo can manifest as a combination of small pus-filled bumps called pustules, raised bumps called papules, and epidermal collarettes. The infected area becomes scratchy and itchy. The dog may also start losing hair around the infected area. The abdomen and chin areas are more likely to get affected. If left untreated, impetigo can cause lethargy, depression, and appetite loss in dogs. Early medical intervention is necessary to ensure the condition doesn’t get severe.

The Causes of Impetigo

While the actual reason why impetigo happens is not apparent, but dogs with compromised immunity or complaint of skin damage are more susceptible to the condition. Additionally, if your dog has a compromised endocrine system or thyroid disease, you should watch impetigo. Besides this, factors like flea infestation, insect bites, ringworm, or food allergy can also lead to impetigo or puppy pyoderma.

Bully breeds like bulldogs, Staffordshire Bull Terries, and Boxer are predisposed to impetigo. Although impetigo affects young dogs, the condition can continue till adulthood. Thus, it’s best to consult veterinarians from pet care Virginia Beachclinics for the prevention of impetigo.

Impetigo Diagnosis

To diagnose impetigo, the vet runs tests according to the dog’s clinical symptoms and medical history. Skin surface cytology is often done to check for fungal, mite, or bacterial infestation. Similarly, a blood test is done to detect the presence of thyroid imbalance. Your vet may recommend a diet trial to determine the possibility of a food allergy.

Impetigo Treatment

Luckily, impetigo is a treatable skin condition. The impetigo can also treat on its own without medical treatment. Vets treat impetigo with topical and oral antibiotics. If your dog has less severe impetigo, a topical antibiotic can be used to treat it. Oral medications may be prescribed if your dog is experiencing severe impetigo. Since some medications have side effects, you should let your vet know if your dog is allergic to certain medicines. Shampoo can also help you clear the infected area. While impetigo remains localized and doesn’t spread to other areas, sometimes it can spread and lead to severe skin allergy. Thus, you should take prompt action to treat the condition.

Preventing impetigo is tricky as its actual cause is still unknown. However, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene can go a long way in keeping you and your dog away from skin infections. Make sure your dog’s living and feeding areas are clean and free from fleas. Take necessary steps to control and prevent flea infestation.